What to Look for In a Lymphedema Clinic
Lymphedema is a condition in which swelling occurs in an area of the body, due to damage to the lymphatic system. While Lymphedema can be hereditary, it is most commonly associated with cancer treatment, infection or surgery.
While there is not a cure for Lymphedema, it can be managed with appropriate treatment and care. To help avoid further complications, an early diagnosis and treatment with a certified Lymphedema therapist is extremely important.
What To Look For In A Provider…
When searching for Lymphedema treatment, it is important to find a therapist or provider who holds their CLT certification and has experience in Decongestive Therapy.
What Treatments To Look for…
Proper Lymphedema treatment is multi-faceted and each component is critical to achieving the most effective treatment. The critical components of Complex Decongestive Therapy include:
Manual Lymph Drainage: Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a type of massage that encourages the flow of lymph fluid out of the affected area.
Pneumatic Compression Therapy: Pneumatic Compression Therapy is based on the usage of a pneumatic compression pump which applies pressure to the affected area, directing the flow of lymph fluid to other parts of the body.
Compression Bandaging: Compression bandaging is a technique of applying bandages in a way that aids better flow of lymph fluid and enhances the benefits of MLD.
Compression Garments: In Lymphedema treatment, your therapist will help you find the right compression garments for your needs and will teach you how to wear them properly to help manage swelling.
Compression Garments: In Lymphedema treatment, your therapist will help you find the right compression garments for your needs and will teach you how to wear them properly to help manage swelling.
Remedial Exercise: Light movement or exercise of the affected limb improves lymph drainage from the area. These exercises will help you to manage daily tasks.
It is always smart to do your research when looking for treatment. Reading this article is a great first step!
Lymphedema Therapy Specialists
We are happy to serve you and all of your Lymphedema needs. We are located in central Houston, TX providing a convenient location for patients who reside in surrounding areas.
If you are looking for Lymphedema treatment, contact us now!
We will do everything we can to treat you as soon as possible.